South Sudanese General Gatduel Gatluak says We can destroy Uganda within 24hrs if UPDF doesn’t stop attacking South Sudan.
General Gatduel’s warning comes a day after clashes between the South Sudanese Army and UPDF in East Equitorial State in South Sudan. Gatduel Gatluak is the General who led troops and captured Heglig oil-rich region from Northern Sudan in 2011.
Two South Sudanese soldiers and two Ugandan soldiers were killed in a clash near the border between Uganda and South sudan according to reports from South Sudanese army spokesman
Major General Lul Ruai Koang, spokesman for the South Sudan People’s Defense Force, says a mechanized, heavily armed unit of the Uganda People’s Defense Forces made what he called a “major incursion” Tuesday into South Sudanese territory.
While commenting on South Sudan in Focus, Ugandan deputy defense spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Deo Akiiki acknowledged that UPDF soldiers had killed two people, but insisted the incident occurred inside Uganda and that the two deceased could not be identified.
“There are some unknown armed people who erected a roadblock inside Uganda on our border with South Sudan. We sent there our patriots to crosscheck who these people could be, only to be returned with fire,”
Akiiki told the press
While speaking to the press, James Gatduel Gatluak assured south sudanese that his forces are ready to defend any attempt by UPDF to invade their land.
He assured his people that his forces are in full control of South Sudan border territories.
“We assure the citizens of South Sudan that we are here, ready to defend our home land one hundred percent,”
James Gatduel Gatluak says.