“I deeply believe it with all my heart and soul. Democracy is not a farce, but real. I know people power is not just a slogan but an assertion. I know that these people are capable of doing everything.
These people took a dangerous path to bring Museveni to power. He convinced them to pick up guns and fight but we are telling these people that we can change our destiny without shedding blood.
Democracy is the only internationally accepted means of changing government. It is the only option; I repeat, the only option. Any leader who tells you not to believe in democracy aims at enslaving you.
You have that power; nobody is going to give it to you. You only have to be sensitized to be able to use that power to your advantage by waking up peacefully and get that ID, then when the time comes go and vote.
We the young people are over 80 per cent of our population; these are the same people who didn’t want the constitution to be changed.
I don’t believe in violence and no right-thinking person believes in violence; so, democracy is the only way out. I believe we can do it and I believe we are going to do it. If all these Ugandans who support us get registered, line up in millions, we can kick Museveni out of power.
I’m also aware of the narrative Museveni has been pushing that; ooh I have the gun; I cannot be removed from power.
Yahya Jammeh, the ousted Gambian dictator, much younger than Museveni, much more sophisticated than Museveni; was kicked out by the vote. We have faced off with Museveni in Kyadondo East, Bugiri, Jinja Municipality East, Rukungiri, Arua [by-elections] and defeated him yet he had the guns and the money. Then what are you saying?”