Bobi Wine’s long-time comrade in the struggle for liberating Uganda from the hands of dictatorship commonly known as Ziggy Wyne has finally breathed his last breath.
Ziggy Wine was kidnapped by unknown people three weeks ago and was later found severely tortured whereby his eyes were plucked out and his two fingers were cut off
Ziggy has been fighting for his life in Mulago hospital in Kampala for along time and it’s where he met his death.
Bobi Wine Full statement below:
Last night, my brother, friend, and fellow artiste Michael Kalinda, commonly known as Ziggy Wyne passed on at Mulago hospital.
Ziggy Wyne’s last days on earth were very painful. Those who kidnapped him did to him the worst things a human being can do to another- cut off his fingers, plucked out his eye, grossly tortured him, and left him to die a very painful death.
Ziggy was a solid member of the Firebase Crew. A hard-working young man, and a strong supporter of #PeoplePower. Like many young Ugandans, he was looking forward to a better country. It is very painful that our brother had to go through this. Last night we visited the grieving family at Mulago and they are completely devastated.
I don’t know how those who carry out these atrocities on the citizens of Uganda hope to pay back for the tears they have caused to families and communities.
Friends, the state of our country is worrying. Ziggy is just one of the countless people who are kidnapped, tortured and murdered daily in our nation. We receive reports of many supporters disappearing, while others have died in questionable ways, including suspicious accidents. As we mourn our brother, may we resolve to work even harder to redeem our country from this terror.
Ziggy Wine in Happy Moments Ziggy Wine
This is so explicit and it’s not just enough to shade tears but we need to do something extraordinary to show our discontent.
The People Power Camp condemns in the strongest terms possible, the murder of this innocent soul and cautioning our people that when the state turns against its people. It’s within the powers of the people to bring it to order.
Wumula milembe muganda wange. May God receive your soul in eternal glory.