There is a blistering sex war in Kampala, raging on between city lawyer Horace Mutahunga’s women.
The sex war erupted after counsel Mutahunga dumped his wife Ruth Mutaghunga and hooked up her best friend identified as Vanessa Keiteisi. The lawyer accused his randy wife of allegedly cheating on him with powerful men in the country, among them Toyota, Sodo, Kwame, to mention but a few.
Our Spy reveals that Vanessa and Mutahunga were not known to each other until Ruth brought them together, little did she know that they would later turn into lovers.
As you read this, Mutahunga and Vanessa held a massive wedding a few weeks ago, which was conducted under tight security.
However, Ruth is seething with anger, telling pals that Vanessa is a husband snatcher, a family wrecker and backstabber, whom she thought was a friend, but ended up destroying her family.
But Vanessa insists that she never snatched Mutahunga; he instead dumped her after nabbing her cheating on him with several men. She recently wrote in one of the family WhatsApp groups thus;
“Hi Ruth I hope you are well, I have been meaning to ignore you but you have done a lot of talking and the things you have told several people are not only untrue but also unnerving. You find it pleasurable to talk about me all the time. I shall attempt to clarify most of them and will conclude with some advice for you.

1. I met Horace in 2015 through a mutual cousin Arthur. You did not introduce us. Never say that again. Please. You met Horace on Monday 21st November at Acacia mall through Agatha. The first time you found out that we knew each other is when we all went to Serena Kigo one evening with Allan and his young sister “legumes”. If you attend the wedding, you will not fail to notice Arthur Ruhinda being gifted for his huge role in how we met.
2. You mentioned that all was well between you and Horace and I came between the two of you and led it to end. This is not only untrue but also annoying for those who know the true story. I shall attempt to re-tell it.
Once upon a time, you had a boyfriend and decided to cheat on him, not only with one person but with other people namely, Michael Kaguta Toyota, Kwame Ejalu, Saki (Denis Kamurasi of Jetset forex bureau).
These people had always been in your life and this was merely a continuation. You see Ruth, these married men finance your lifestyle in exchange for sex. Think about it, they jointly paid your school fees in Malaysia, including Sodo whose home you lived in for a year, (Had sex with him when Agatha was away in Dundee) flew you back to Uganda from Malaysia countless times and sent you pocket money. You don’t have a job and your mum can’t do all those things for you.

When Horace found out in many ways, things came to an end between the two of you. He kept it simple and didn’t out you. Like many relationships which come to an end, both of you moved on, He dated Stephanie Tumusiime.
You couldn’t take it, you met up with her and her sister Civy at Kisementi and told them a bunch of lies, mostly to discredit him and make sure that the relationship comes to an end. You had earlier told us how you will ensure that you do all it takes for that relationship to end. You started by asking, Which Stephanie is that? If it is my cousin, then that is easy. Well, you succeeded. They are not together any more.
You not only told lies and made yourself relevant, you contradicted yourself and looked like a fool. Anyway the Tumusiime’s have a way they feel about you for all you did. You hurt your cousin. She didn’t deserve all you put her through. It is therefore untrue when you tell people that all was well between you and Horace and then he suddenly proposed to me. You guys had been apart for a whole year. But let me just run you through a chronology of those events.
2015- Horace and I met and stayed friends
21st November 2016- You met him through Agatha who convinced him that you were a nice person, a thing she sincerely regrets.
July 2017 -You start dating him after you return from graduation in Malaysia. (Notice that Toyota paid the tickets for you and your mum to attend the grad, some capital to start the myenda business and an extra 1,000$ through Aida at stanchart)
August, September, October 2017 – Things start falling apart with Horace as u and Toyota get serious. He buys you a harrier UBA 854K (Check URA car reg log book and confirm your name there. You later sold this car at 42m through Hamidu the broker- Check your DFCU bank statements for that deposit. You used to meet Toyota at Gabiro and Olive gardens hotel during his working hours and then act normal in the evening. Many times driving his car to that lodge in Bugolobi.
November 2017 Horace takes you along with him to Sandton. While there, Toyota kept calling you on each of the evenings. You wouldn’t answer the phone.
December 2017 Horace nabs you with Toyota at dinner with Aida and Leria at Mestil hotel.
January 2018 You travel with Kwame Ejalu to Dubai for a few days and call it a girl’s trip out of town. He finds out, confronts you, you apologise and promise to improve your behavior in Feb.
You also met Toyota at olive gardens a day before to contribute to that trip. He also sent you an extra 500$ while in Dubai. Meanwhile Horace dropped you at the airport.
Before that, you two had a bad fight in Mbarara after Becky Kamugungunu’s Kuhingira when Toyota came into the club and you run away, your dishonesty couldn’t let you stay.
Ask Makwanzi and allan who tried to intervene.
March 2018 He breaks up with you and kicks you out of his house. (CCTV footage available of you and makwanzi carrying suitcases and leaving in a black kluger) Why were u living there in the first place? Because you like to live everywhere except your mums home (Sodo’s, Piriso’s, Carols, Horace’s Makwanzi’s, Dixons, etc) You even had a sexual affair with Piriso’s cousin while living in their house and the mum has such a bad image of you.
July 2018 After not speaking to him for all those months, during which you bad mout
From the time you left Horace’s house to date You real moved on with Toyota, a thing you were accused of. He was so right. You have been seen groping each other at Hide out Bar, travelled with Toyota to Dubai, his driver picked you from Gwennies house on Entebbe road and drove you to meet him in a mbarara hotel on the weekend of the Rwakanengrere’s kuhingira etc.
April 2019 After four months silence from Horace, You learn that I was proposed to and it hurts you so bad. I asked to meet you and you never did. You go around telling people that you and him were very okay and he up and travelled to Dubai and proposed to me.
Do you know that it happened in Kampala? U don’t, because it was a private matter. U said other terrible things. Mbu the ring was meant for you and instead came to me first of all me and you don’t have the same size of fingers and if it was for you then what was he waiting for to give it to you?
What kind of nonsense is that? Our lives are not about you. Do not be selfish, everything cannot be about you all the time. The people you confide in laugh at you and then pretend to be on your side. How do you take pride in being terrible to others and at the same time put up a façade of a very nice person? Only fools can fall for that for long.
I’m the only person he knew in that circle and during your mis understandings, when you’d be talking about your things you kept referring to him as my friend and I know it kills you so much inside. “Please speak to your friend for me”
“What is your friend saying?” I had no idea you were messy and a shit starter but it makes a lot of sense now only a home wrecker can do that not a normal girl and that’s why you are the only one that has done that not only in one home but many and all those wives curses are what haunt you. On top of that you have the nerve to call other people home wreckers remember when you told us Patricia Kaboyo’s mum wrecked your Aunt’s home? It just sounds so funny coming from you. Truth is you are fighting spiritual wars not me. All the pain you’ve caused people and still continue to cause people is what makes you restless, wicked and can’t let you settle down in a relationship trust me, curses from the past are what made you go out to look for those married men when you had found a good thing with Horace but you weren’t content you still went on to chase after Kwame, Toyota, Saki, etc. You want more and more. Why can’t you get a job and not need these people? And settle down. I don’t think you sleep peacefully at night after telling lies the whole day because in your alone times I’m sure you reflect on the truth and it torments you. Imagine Rubani used to warn me to stay away from you those days and boy would we fight because I was busy defending you. Hmm, I even feel stupid now. It’s probably one of the few things he was right about. I mean I could have also beefed you then for so many reasons first of all you fought me and rubani so much he ignored you on several occasions he put you on speaker to show me how messy you were I was in so much shock I even read the messages and replied some of them on his behalf smh and I still ignored your pretentious self. I was never your friend because you fought me before for no reason. And still smiled with me.
The other thing is your kbz about my car honey my daddy bought it for me and it’s in his names and my same daddy was the one who set me up well even the business which has made you soooooo jealous because everywhere you go it’s all you talk about and that’s so bad. You told some people that U and Samantha own that business and I’m just a worker. I know how much hard work I have put in.
I also think your way sharper I don’t see what your men have given you well maybe the farming thing you are doing now and you can’t lie to us that it’s your mum who gave you the money. It can’t be her and you’ve never had a job so tell us your sponsor.
So the proceeds from the farming pay for your frequent travels? Anyway my dad gave me everything in life and he set us up so well. His estate pays me every month I’ve never had to go out with a man to survive not at all so you can save the two million you were planning to give to some guy to come and vibe me coz you need it more.
Also please leave my mom out of your mouth and her family they are not your class or level so leave them alone. You are not the most perfect person to talk about others because Ruth you’ve done the most and what you don’t understand is the more you try to tarnish other people your dirty linen keeps coming out too.
But if it gives you joy go ahead, personally I don’t really care coz none of those people feed me or add anything in my life and the worst thing is they aren’t loyal to you either. They still come back to me and Horace and tell us everything you say and they’ll even attend the wedding and contribute and they are happy for us. You are not the one who determines who will end up with who, That is for God. You will not find happiness