The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, also Ministry of Energy, Oil and Mineral Development announced intentions to buy land in Buteba, Busia to build a beneficiation center Titled “PURCHASE OF LAND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BENEFICIATION CENTRE IN BUSIA DISTRICT FOR EASTERN REGION“
On hearing this A senior citizen named Adung O Adungosi showed interest to bid and fortunately his piece of land was selected by the Ministry of Energy.
In a letter dated 16th July 2019, the Permanent secretary Prisca Boonabantu from ministryy of energy contacted Mr. Adund with the purpose of requesting him to confirm his acceptance to the bid price in writing to enable further progress of his Land procurement.

On hearing that Mr. Adunga is soon acquiring Millions from his land, NRM chairman Stephen Okunyuk of LC3 and Morris Okide the Buteba sub-county NRM chairman devised plans to benefit a commission fro this deal.
According to Mr. Adung, Stephen Okunyuk colluded with his brother Erisat John Bosco who works in Jinja as a sub-county chief and falsified documents claiming ownership to his land.
Through their Lawyers, M/S Wafuula and Advocates sent a notice to Adung ordering him to drop ownership of the land in favor of their client Mr. John Bosco and be given Only 7,500,000 as compensation or balance from the previous land sale( which Mr. Adung claims is Null and Void)

“The NRM LC3 Mr. Stephen Okunyuk, his brother Erisat John Bosco who works in Jinja as a sub-county chief and my elder brother Mr. Moris Okide who is the Buteba sub-county NRM chairman are trying to blackmail me through threats and false pretenses to get money from me with an old land sales agreement which is voided.” Mr. Adung noted

Mr Adung says that he entered into a land sale Agreement in the year 2013 when his brother was acting on behalf of BOSCO BRISA? When his son was joining his university studies in Kenya.
He was then Paid Ugx 4.5 million for one and a half acres of land at plot 313 at
KATEK ‘C’ village but failed to collect his copy of agreement due to the trust he
had for his Brother.
“The agreement was actually entered and written by myself and on my own
handwriting, where ¡ committed myself for each and every amount received
from my brother and signed for the same, My brother later brought his own surveyor who apportioned what I believed was one and a half acres on Plot 313 at Katek c village and planted beacons.” Mr Adung Narrates.