Kyadondo East member of parliament Robert Kyagulanyi People power movement has received a huge boost after an NRM member of parliament has pledged allegiance to the new force in Uganda’s political arena.
Many rebel NRM MPs have come out criticizing Museveni that since he is getting old he should loosen his grip on power and hand it over to NRM youths.
These MPs claim that if Museveni is not willing to abide by their request they’re willing to pledge allegiance to people power and flow with the wind of change which is expected to blow soon by as stated by people power supporters in their accredited song “Tuliyambala Engule”

Hon Mbwatekamwa Gaffa one of the Rebel MPs known for being critical of president Museveni was heard saying onNTV that for him he is willing to put all his efforts in promoting people power movement slogans.
“I am very ready to prove Bobi Wine and People Power supporters that am not a spy from NRM, I know some are still doubting me but I will prove them that I am now happy in People Power,” he said.
He added: “I might be an NRM MP but not every NRM MP is a fool. I will oppose the wrongs NRM is planning for this country. I am not a YES NRM MP like others. I thank God who has helped me to see the light in Bobi Wine.”
MbwaTekamwa vowed not to return to active politics unless Museveni had been driven out of power or when he resigns. But his revelations have left many wondering whether he has gone against his wors or he was just bluffing
Yesterday the People power Movement announced their plans to work with Forum for democratic change Party. They penned down a memorandum of understanding which will guide them on how to achieve victory come 2021 general elections