Our team has been trying to dig up what exactly city tycoon Brian Kirumira aka Bryan White who was recently admitted at Nakasero Hospital and sent back home is suffering from but the results are shocking.
Bryan White was in the past couple of weeks admitted at Nakasero Hospital over stomach complications and according to our trusted sources, the socialite suffered symptoms that were believed to have been caused by food poisoning.
Prior health reports show that he suffers from ulcers but after taking his medication, he always gets back onto his feet. This time round, however, his situation didn’t improve and thus the admission.
The doctors at Nakasero Hospital said that the results about his condition were still unclear and they were to await test results from his samples that were taken to the UK where they were sent to bigger experts.

Now Bryan White’s condition has worsened and he has been taken back to his home. Brian White had in the recent past become a topic of public discussion after a number of girls accused.
He was also summoned to the parliamentary committee several times over the accusations but he never showed up.