Two in-laws of the late Minister Engola tragically passed away in a car accident on their way back from the funeral yesterday in Ayago, Murchison Falls Park Nwoya District.
The wife’s ffamily along with additional mourners were on their way back from the May 2 burial of the state Minister who had been slain by his security.
The burial of Minister Engola took place on Saturday in his hometown of Awangi village, Iceme Sub-county, Oyam District. Many people from Arua came to Oyam for the funeral.
Ms. Joyce Engola, a native of Oluko Ward in the city of Arua, was married to the late minister Engola.
Dinah Tiperu Afayoa and a boy known as Deyia have been confirmed as the victims. They lived in Ayibiri Cell, which is part of Oluko Ward in Ayivu East Division in Arua City.
The MP Ayivu East Division, Mr Geoffrey Feta, said: “We lost two occupants of a tipper lorry. Two critical cases have been referred to Gulu and one is already in transit but on oxygen.”
The victims were taken to the mortuary at Anaka Hospital for post-mortem examination.
Five survivors and three more people in critical condition were taken to Lacor Hospital.